Kinetic Machines & Gadgets - Articulate Project Space

Kinetic Machines & Gadgets is a project by 12 artists working in the Articulate space for a fortnight on individual or collaborative art gadgetry or gadget-ideas. Come to the opening on Friday 25 January 6-8pm and look at, advise on and tinker with gadgets-in-progress. The project space will be open again on Fri-Sun 1 - 3 Feb (11am-5pm) - come again to contribute further, or just to see what progress has been made. The plan is that 'finished' prototypes will be on show at the closing event, Sunday 3 February from 3-5pm.

Artists: Linden Braye, Samuel Bruce, Andrew Burrell, Sue Callanan, Madeline Callanan, Jon Drummond, Kath Fries, Richard Kean, James Nguyen, Christine Olsen, Margaret Roberts, Ashley Scott. 

Articulate Project Space: 497 Parramatta Rd, Leichhardt. NSW 2040. Australia.