Kath Fries, Bundanon studio and works in progress, 2012 |
I'm working in the Freedman studio at Bundanon, during my four weeks as artist-in-residence here. It's a converted barn with large windows, letting in lots of natural light and looking out into the artists-in-residence courtyard and over surrounding farmland. There's only a few traces from previous artists here before - intriguing minute remnants from their working processes - innumerable tiny pin holes in the walls and irregular colourful paint splashes here and there. Even these small things seem to add to the space's charged creative atmosphere.
Kath Fries, Bundanon studio and works in progress, 2012 |
Kath Fries, Bundanon studio and works in progress, 2012 |
Kath Fries, Bundanon studio and works in progress, 2012 |
The studio is a wonderful space in which to think, draw, plan, collate and examine my collected objects and materials. I'm fascinated how they change in a different contextual space - removed just a few steps away from their original surrounds. Against the white walls and enquiring atmosphere of the studio (one step closer to the white box of a gallery) these objects and materials can be untangled, reconsidered, manipulated, combined and viewed very differently to how they are encountered outside.
Kath Fries, Bundanon studio and works in progress, 2012 |
Kath Fries, Bundanon studio and works in progress, 2012 |
I'm currently one of several artists-in-residence at Bundanon Trust. My artist-in-residence blog diary traces an important aspect of my process as I get to know the site and begin making work in response to my experience of being here.